

Brooke Ostapek, Principal

Telephone: (705) 292-9594 ext 23

Email: Brooke Ostapek

School Contacts

School Contacts

Head Secretary: Jenny Carreiro



John Ford
Trustee(s): Diane Lloyd
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees:

Albatoul Alshraideh

Jillian Thomas

School Council Chairperson(s): Amanda Brethour & Tricia Kunzel
Bell Schedule

Bell Schedule

Office Opens 8:00 AM
Morning Bell 8:45 AM
Recess 10:25 - 10:45 AM
Nutrition Break 10:45 - 11:05 AM
Recess 12:45-1:05 PM
Nutrition Break 1:05 - 1:25 PM
Dismissal Bell         3:05 PM
Office Closes 4:00 PM 
Vice Principal

Vice Principal

Nancy Handy, Vice Principal

Telephone: (705) 292-9594 ext 27

Email: Nancy Handy

School Information

School Information

Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM 
Grades: Kindergarten - Grade 8
School Population: 458

English, Core French 

Transitions to: Adam Scott Vocational 



School Address

School Address

1029 Gore Street,
PO Box 470
Bridgenorth, ON
K0L 1H0

School History

School History

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